Donations and Drives: Gladly Giving Back to our Local Communities

May 11, 2021
Republic Bank of Arizona has been busy supporting the community during the past several months. Here are a few of the community activities we’ve engaged in recently.
Helping AZ Students: We’re proud to support the Arizona Tuition Connection, an outstanding nonprofit organization dedicated to providing scholarships for low-income students. We recently donated $12,000 towards tuition scholarships, bringing our total donations to $47,000. We appreciate all they do to help students in our community. To learn more about the Arizona Tuition Connection, check out our client spotlight.
Support for Veterans and their Families: RBAZ CEO Brian Ruisinger recently presented a $250 check to Helping Hands for Freedom Helping Hands for Freedom, a local nonprofit organization that provides emergency financial assistance to military and Gold Star families who have lost a loved one, or to those who are suffering with injuries from combat, including PTSD and TBI.
Career Clothing Drive: The Bank’s Culture Club hosted a career clothing drive to support those entering or reentering the workforce. The clothing drive was sponsored by two fabulous nonprofit organizations: Live and Learn AZ and the André House. The Bank collected new and gently used career clothing for men and women at both our Phoenix and Scottsdale locations.
Fun Time for a Good Cause: As an Associated Minority Contractors of Arizona member, Republic Bank of Arizona participated in and helped sponsor the AMCA’s 20th Annual Contractor’s Golf Classic at the Arizona Biltmore Golf Club March 5. The annual tournament supports the AMCA Scholarship and Education fund for ASU and U of A construction school students.
December’s Toy Drive: The RBAZ Culture Club sponsored its annual holiday toy drive, this time to support Arizona Helping Hands, an outstanding organization that provides essential services to children in foster care. The goal of the toy drive was to give each child two toys and a book to brighten their spirits during the holiday season.