Bond Properties

Quietly Making a Difference in the Community
He’s unassuming and likes to keeps a low profile. He’s grateful to his customers and the bank that has supported him in good times and bad. He’s proud, as he should be, considering the obstacles he’s faced.
Todd Bond is an inspiration of sorts. He would hate being called that. But what else do you call someone who went from being abandoned as a child to building a very successful real estate business to nearly losing it all in the market collapse to rebuilding his business back to where it once was?
Todd launched Bond Properties in 2004 after leaving a very lucrative position as the finance manager of a thriving car dealership. “I was working 15 hours a day, every day,” says Todd. “I had no life and I was never home. My wife said enough.”
From Cars to Real Estate
After leaving the dealership position, Todd and his wife, a licensed real estate agent, began buying, renovating, and selling homes in the Phoenix area. The company has evolved into a private lending business providing home buyers owner-occupied loans with 30-year terms and no prepayment penalties. “We provide loans the banks don’t typically offer,” says Todd.
Primarily serving the Hispanic market, Bond Properties helps people realize their dream of owning their own home. “I love what I do,” says Todd. “I feel like I make a difference for people.” His goal is to stay approachable, continue to build his business primarily by word-of-mouth and referrals, and make a difference to people who need his help.
Surviving the Bleak Times
When Todd was 10, he was homeless and living on the streets of Phoenix. He remembers sleeping in an apartment complex laundry room to stay warm, and getting food however he could until his friend’s family took him in. With their support and working several jobs, made it through high school and landed the job at the car dealer when he was 18.
After leaving that job and building a successful business with Bond Properties, the market crashed. “We lost almost everything,” says Todd. But he didn’t give up and he slowly started building his business back up again. Doing what he knew, buying, fixing and selling. “The one thing I know is that real estate comes back.”
In addition to pure will and determination, Todd also attributes his ability to recover to his work ethic and solid business reputation. “I never missed a payment during those difficult times,” he says. “And I’ve always lived below my means.” And then of course, in addition to his wife and family, there’s his dedicated office manager, Margarita Roberts. “Margarita has been with me for 11 years,” he says. “I truly wouldn’t be where I am without her. She always has my back, and she puts up with me, which isn’t easy.”
The Importance of Finding the Right Banking Partner
Todd’s been a customer of Republic Bank of Arizona for about 13 years. He’s known the Bank’s CEO Brian Ruisinger even longer. He’s very appreciative of the support, trust and confidence the Bank has had in him and his business. “I couldn’t imagine doing what I do working with a national bank,” says Todd, who found out the hard way that the large banks can be less flexible and more difficult to work with.
“I really like that I can walk into Brian’s office and say ‘here’s what I need,’ and he’ll listen and help.” Having banked with larger national banks, Todd believes local community banks, and Republic Bank of Arizona in particular, are much more personable and responsive to his needs. RBAZ is part of Bond Properties’ success story, standing by him during the difficult times, he says.
“I’ve known Todd for many years, and he’s one of the best in the business,” says Brian. “But it’s not just his business mind that makes him a success, it’s his strong character and genuine concern for his customers and his employees not to mention his dedication to his family. You’d be hard pressed to find a more trustworthy, determined, and likeable person than Todd.”
Todd’s Strategies for Success
- Live below your means
- Work hard and be conservative with your money
- Buy real estate
- Take care of the people who work for you
- Stay positive, even during the hard times