Cookies, Cash, and Financial Accountability
January 2019
It’s that wonderful time of year. The one that immediately follows that other wonderful time of year … Girl Scout Cookie season of course!
While some of us have visions of Thin Mints dancing in our heads, Republic Bank of Arizona Compliance Officer Angela Whitney (fourth from the right in the picture above) works behind the scenes to help the scouts and their leaders understand the financial responsibilities associated with their notable fundraising experience.
Angela is a volunteer with the Girl Scouts Arizona Cactus-Pine Financial Literacy Circle, a team of financial experts working to increase the girl scouts’ confidence in their ability to make financial decisions.
“We meet once a month to brainstorm ideas on how the cookie sales drive can make financial sense to them,” explains Angela. “For example, we’ve developed a troop treasuer program for each grade to keep them accountable and make plans for the money they raise. It helps set expectations and goals and impacts all levels of Girl Scouts from Daisy to Ambassadors.”
Life-long Lessons
Angela has been a Financial Literacy Circle volunteer for four years. When Republic Bank of Arizona CEO Ralph Tapscott asked if she would be interested in participating in the circle, she jumped at the chance. “I love it,” says Angela. “I was a Girl Scout, and later a Girl Scout leader for five years.” It’s extremely rewarding for her to be able to offer her skills and expertise to enhance the lives of these girls and young women.
While Girl Scout cookie sales is a seasonal activity, the Financial Literacy Circle is at work year-round developing new programs and activities to teach and enhance financial skills.
“We’re always searching for new ideas and ways to help the girls and others,” says Angela. The council has a Badge-in-a-Box program to assist with learning valuable life skills like developing a budget, paying bills, understanding a checking account statement, and more. “For some, these girls are the first in their family to balance a checkbook.”
Proud to Give
“The Girl Scout cookie program is the largest girl-run business in the nation, and I’m honored to serve as a resource for this amazing endeavor,” says Angela.
“We’re proud to have bankers like Angela who give their time and share their expertise to help others in our community,” said Ralph. “We thank Angela for all she does to help these girls grasp basic financial skills that will benefit them far into the future.”